Watch My Six

So Steve and I were doing the Marine Survey, minding our own business, when I saw something out of the corner of my eye. It was so huge that it made my heart jump and I gasped – which is a weird thing to do with a snorkel in your mouth. It was a Yellow Fin Tuna. Why on Earth does something need to be that large? This guy was over six feet long and, according to Wikipedia, these things can weight up to 400 pounds! He was also very round. Like, I would not have been able to wrap my arms around him. He must have been about fifteen feet from me.

Unfortunately, I was unable to overcome my excitement and was not able to take a picture. I was, however, ready for what followed shortly after. A Grey Reef Shark.

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She was beautiful. She came from behind, checking us out. Why do they always come from behind? Steve was looking at some tiny fish and had no idea what was right beside him. I sped up my kicking and tugged on Steve’s fin. He turned around and all I did was point, as I was still watching the shark. She swam past us and then turned around to make another sweep.

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She was about five feet long. She made about six passes as Steve and I just watched. She was so curious. She got a little closer, probably within six feet of us on some of the passes. We could see her eye examining us. She took one last loop and then continued on her way. Very cool!

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