Kyle “Kiki”

Kyle “Kiki”

Turned 23 on island in July
Hometown: Winter Springs, FL, which is near Orlando
Education: BS in Environmental Science with minor in Russian from University of Alabama

Jobs on the island: Gator maintenance, tide station cleaning, weather recording, and compost toilet duties

Personal Kyle 1

What do you do on the island for fun?

Kyle likes to talk about what kind of wine would complement the meals here.  He loves to eat cheese, meat, (food in general) and moans when he eats it.  Kyle is often heard laughing out loud while he reads.  He enjoys playing card games – he really good a learning new games . . . fast.
He was our Tetris master when we had to stock the freezer with our 7 month supply of frozen food.  We have bike trailers here, and for some reason, Kyle loves to pull them around.  Any job that is normally done with the gator but can be done with a bike trailer is done with a bike trailer.  He also enjoys smashing our empty cans.  He’s like our island Hulk.  In the evenings, he can be found doing bike laps on the runway, lifting weights, and doing yoga.  He watches the sunset and absorbs the infinite shades of blue of the ocean.  He also enjoys watching Boobies being antagonized by Great Frigate birds.  He and Steve have a love relationship over Star Trek.  Kyle found a hidden gift from a past teacher in an old journal.  The gift?  Star Trek episodes.
He tells us all about how great they are.  Kyle also enjoys petting his fluffy as a kitten beard.

Why did you apply for the job?

The job description stuck out to him.  At the time of applying, it was nearing the end of his past internship.  He started to look for jobs in February.  This job was the first one he applied to.  It was the most extreme he had ever seen.  He said that it seemed improbable that he would get the position.  But it was too cool not to apply.  He was completely shocked when he was offered the job.  Kyle has no expenses, he’s not tied down to anyone, and everyone told him to take it because it may not be able to take it later in life.  And now he is here!

What do you hope to get out of island?

The lifestyle this job described in the interview appealed to Kyle a lot because there are too many things are about the real world that bother him.  Being away from civilization is a turn on.  He feels that it is a way to get back in touch with life.  Kyle wants to get intimate with this piece of land and all its inhabitants.  You can’t find this stuff anywhere in the world.  He is finding that he is trying new things, like the food he would never had tried at home.
Kyle is looking forward to going back home with a knowledge of new experiences from the island.

What’s next for Kyle?

He has no idea.  Kyle has in his brain to take a nice road trip when he gets home, maybe some place up north.  His girlfriend is going on a study abroad in February, and he would like to take this road trip with her go before she leaves.  Kyle plans to start looking for jobs in September from the island.  He is interested in Student Conservation.
Maybe joining a trail crew.  Kyle would also like to do to be a part of WOOFING.  That’s the World Wide Opportunity in Organic Farming.  He would love to work on a Vineyard maybe California, or somewhere on West coast.

Personal Kyle 2

What do you miss from home?

Wikipedia – looking up random things.  He misses the girlfriend.
Being able to have literal human warmth and companionship.  Fresh food and to be able to purchase from a store and farmers markets.  Wine tastings (exasperated cry).  Sleeping in (too hot to sleep in here).

What is the first meal you want when you get back home?

Brandy Alexander.  Tender organic pork chops.  Glass of red wine.

If you could be any super villain, who would it be?

Syndrome from The Incredibles, because I respect his confidence with tech gadgets.  And, think back about his ultimate goals, they are truly nefarious.

What is your guilty pleasure movie?


Would you rather cry or flirt your way out of a speeding ticket?

        Flirt.  That would be more interesting.