Watch My Six

So Steve and I were doing the Marine Survey, minding our own business, when I saw something out of the corner of my eye. It was so huge that it made my heart jump and I gasped – which is a weird thing to do with a snorkel in your mouth. It was a Yellow Fin Tuna. Why on Earth does something need to be that large? This guy was over six feet long and, according to Wikipedia, these things can weight up to 400 pounds! He was also very round. Like, I would not have been able to wrap my arms around him. He must have been about fifteen feet from me.

Unfortunately, I was unable to overcome my excitement and was not able to take a picture. I was, however, ready for what followed shortly after. A Grey Reef Shark.

Watch My Six 1

She was beautiful. She came from behind, checking us out. Why do they always come from behind? Steve was looking at some tiny fish and had no idea what was right beside him. I sped up my kicking and tugged on Steve’s fin. He turned around and all I did was point, as I was still watching the shark. She swam past us and then turned around to make another sweep.

Watch My Six 2

She was about five feet long. She made about six passes as Steve and I just watched. She was so curious. She got a little closer, probably within six feet of us on some of the passes. We could see her eye examining us. She took one last loop and then continued on her way. Very cool!

Watch My Six 3

Colin “White Tail”

Turned 24 on island in July
Hometown: Wall, New Jersey near Asbury Park
Education: BS in Wildlife Biology and Natural Resource Ecology (double majored) from the University of Vermont

Jobs on the island: Ant Farms, Bike maintenance

Personal Colin 1

Why did he apply to this position?

It seemed cool. There was no cost coming from him, like a plane ticket or food, so he was all for it. The fact that it was work with breeding birds on an island was a really exciting to Colin. He has experience banding birds but he wanted to do more. He has a friend who was part of an earlier CAST crew and he said it was cool experience. It was also cold when Colin applied and the thought of a being on a warm tropical island was nice. Colin also has a friend, Jack, in Hawaii. He was able to visit him while we were in Hawaii.
Colin’s entomological experience with mosquitoes gave him confidence in applying to work with ants. The fact that the whole island is surrounded by coral reefs was another reason for applying for this position as the snorkeling was calling him.

What does he do for fun on the island?

Colin is often found slacklining and reading lots of books. He enjoys playing games and teaches us games we have never heard of. The man has good taste in games. If he is not sleeping, he is whistling, singing, making bird sounds, or saying something in an accent. He is our champion beard grower. It is getting out of control. During our working times, he is our D.J. Even when we aren’t working, we are usually listening to his music. He is working on his tan and has found snorkeling – although his weird pruny finger condition doesn’t allow him to stay out as long as he would like. He is our official New Jersey representative with his phrases. We all recall him being honked at in Hawaii and his response of “Blow it out your ass!” At the beginning of the trip he was a vegetarian, then flexitarian, and is now a carnivore. While Reggie the Tropicbird was here, Colin had a love/hate relationship with him. During Colin’s personal time, he is doing yoga, lifting weights, doing Insanity and applying coconut oil to his beard.

What do you hope to get out of island?

Colin would like to achieve maximum beard growth, learn all about the birds here, tan, obtain muscle definition. He likes that he is working for federal government. It may help him land future jobs.
There is also a nice concentrated chunk of field experience that he will get to experience. He is glad this is not an office job; being outside is much better.

What’s next for Colin?

Something in wildlife. He really enjoys working with birds. Colin possibly wants to go to school…but in the future. His most immediate concern is shopping for Christmas when he gets home.

Personal Colin 2

What do you miss most from home?

Dogs – Rooney, World Cup, beer, family, friends, summertime things like Jersey Beach, Strollo’s (Italian ice place), having people serve him food, driving and listening to music really loud, the woods, and thunderstorms. Also he is bummed he missed Doug’s wedding.

How long has it been since you have worn underwear?

Some point over the changeover period…like since day one.

What is your spirit animal?

A Mockingbird because I am always whistling.

You are on death row, what do you have as your last meal?

Turkey club sandwich on pumpernickel bread from Hincks Turkey Farm, Chocolate dessert, Brownie a la mode, lots of beer and whole milk, but in separate glasses.

You have one day to live, what do you do?

I would go to Six Flags with Liv Tyler and ride all cool rides with her. She would meet my family on the plane ride to a fjord. We would be married by the time we landed. I would slackline over the fjord with a Peregrine Falcon sitting on my shoulder. Mid slackline, we would both shot gun a beer that is in my parachute pack. We would both jump and eat Leonard’s malasadas that my parachute pack is full of. I would then fall into my funeral crater. I would D.J. my own funeral.
Then the falcon, wearing a veil, would give a eulogy as Liv consoles him. Everyone would get super drunk after…the end.

Katrina “Red Leader”

Katrina “Red Leader”

Turning 28 on island in December

Hometown: Maynard, Massachusetts near Boston

Education: AAS in Illustration, BS in Environmental Science and a minor in
Literature, MS Environmental Science from Rochester Institute of Technology. Thesis: Comparison of Geochemical and Biological Characteristics of Natural and Constructed
Freshwater Wetlands in Western New York

Jobs on the island: Team Leader. This includes data management, coordinating
with Honolulu, GIS mapping, and creating schedules

Personal Katrina 1

What do you do on the island for fun?

Most of the time Katrina can be found reading while drinking either her water, coffee, or Gatorade. Lately she has delved into knitting and helped host an island yarn party. She is really into her camera. It’s a nice one. She even has an underwater housing for it. She likes to take artsy fartsy photos – like close up ones of fish, and
ants, and flowers, and birds. She likes to go “nature creepin’” as she puts it. You can
check out her photo blog here: She is also a phenomenal
artist. She does watercolor and sketching. She is often found in the snorkeling group
and the late night movie watching crew. Katrina enjoys puttering about and lurking.
Katrina is also a bit accident prone and has many scrapes including one on her side from
falling off the Sea Wall. And you know when she is in dislike of something when she
starts to hiss at it, like when I try and take a picture of her.

Why did you apply for the job?

Katrina thought, “This looks fun” when she first saw the job posting online. While
reading the job description, she noticed the birds first and then the ants (she has a
background working with birds). And living in Hawaii for a month wasn’t exactly a
turnoff. It was just an added bonus when she found out it was a paid position.

What do you hope to get out of island?

She wants to learn about and see new birds on the island and get experience working with new species in a different environment. She wants to have fun. It is nice for her that
the internet isn’t controlling her life here. It is hard to access and she doesn’t mind
skipping it altogether. It is more chill here on the island and Katrina is a fan of a
more chill lifestyle.

What’s next for Katrina?

She has been moving to a new place every 6-9 months and often finds seasonal and temporary
positions in this line of work. She is not sure if she wants a job after this right away
or maybe do some traveling, as she often gets restless after staying in one place for too
long. Ideally, she wants to get paid to play outside. You know, so she won’t starve to
death. She still doesn’t know what she wants to do when she grows up, but Katrina wants to
“help save the world, do good things, live a good life, be mindful of environment, and
spread that message as much as possible.”

Personal Katrina 2

What do you miss most from home?

Her Noodle (dog, real name Watson!). Having the opportunity to see and interact with
friends. Nice cold beer. Fresh fruit and veggies.
Variable weather, like snow and temperature differences between night and day.

Would you rather stub your toes every time you walk or get a paper cut every time you touched anything?

Stub my toes, hands down. I hate paper cuts.

Would you rather be a naked mole rat or sasquatch?

Naked mole rat. Don’t like having hair in my face.

What snack food best describes you?

Sweet and Salty Chex Mix