
Halloween was a really a weekend event. Decorations had been finalized by then. We had orange streamers, ghosts made of garbage bags, cats and bats cut out of cereal and granola bar boxes, painted black, Horace the spider made of a garbage bag with sticks for legs, and the paper lantern had a face of a jack-o-lantern taped on.

Halloween 1

The celebration started on Friday with Steve’s birthday. The pancakes in the morning were for Steve’s birthday, but the pumpkin shapes were for Halloween. Katrina and I used the fridge magnets to write Halloween themed words on the fridge.

Halloween 2

At the pool party we had, Steve noticed that the gator hours hit 66.6! WHAT?!?! It really did. What are the odds of that? Dinner, the two Cranium matches, and the movie were all enjoyed in our costumes. Saturday was used to better perfect our costumes and Sunday was our photo shoot.

We started at Corner Beach were Katrina beautifully transformed into a mermaid. She had gills and fins and everything! She used paint to paint some gills on. Katrina cut out shells from a cereal box and painted them. She used her green skirt as her legs, her snorkeling fins as a tail, and she put tinsel from the Christmas stuff in her hair. She looked really good!

Halloween 3

Then it was off to South Shore. I assembled my costume and turned into a Teenage Mutant Ninja Green Sea Turtle. I found a short brown Rubbermaid tote in bulky storage and Katrina painted green plates on it. I used paracord to string up a belt and suspenders to tie them to. The Rubbermaid handles already had holes in them, so that was easy. I used watercolor paints to paint my cheeks, legs, and arms green. I borrowed Colin’s Teenage Ninja Turtles tee shirt, put on my green banana, and I was good to go. Just swing the nunchucks around and I was the real deal.

Halloween 4

Then it was Colin’s turn for photos. Colin was a beautiful hula girl. He wanted to make a coconut bra. He started finding coconuts and hacked away at them. They weren’t the right size. He must have opened twenty of those things. The murder site is very gruesome. He was able to find one half of a coconut that was the right size near the garden. And I had one by my tent I had been using to start seedlings. Next came the drilling. He drilled holes and then strung string through them to create the bra. He borrowed my sarong and I helped him with his butterfly tramp stamp temporary tattoo. He put on a lei and made a headdress out of plants, sewing on each flower. His photo shoot consisted of him doing hula things, playing with his belly button, eating his beard, and being the sluttiest girl I have ever seen. Mission accomplished, you sexy thing!

Halloween 5

Then off to find some of Steve’s “people.” Steve became a Red-Footed Booby. He used his white sun shirt as his body, a Reese’s box rolled up and painted blue for a beak, Cheese-It boxes rubber banded to his feet, and had paper with strips cut out, taped to his arms for wings. It took Colin and me to tape those things down. It was pretty windy. He found some Booby birds to hang out with. This one below had a pretty long bowing session with Steve. He was so great looking that he even fooled the birds. Steve really wanted to feed a chick a dead fish. I think there should be limits to costumes.

Halloween 6

At camp, we all got together to take a group costume photo. We all had a blast during our Halloween events!

Halloween 7