Presents and New Home

Presents and New Home

Yesterday we were blessed with a box from my mom.  It took a while for us to get into.  I suspect my dad had a hand in the tapping.


Inside we found 5 wrapped gifts with a note saying that inside the box were gifts to open on our birthdays (all of us are having ours on the island).  We are to choose the one that speaks to us on our special day.  We all got super excited as Kyle read the note to us.  Thank you, mom, from all of us!


Then we got another box with a paracord kit, books of word search, Sudoku, and crosswords for the boat.  AND HOMEMADE JELLY!!!!  Steve gave it two thumbs up!  

Today we finished up our packing of shelf stable food.  The garage looked so empty.  After lunch we headed back to the grocery store one last time to get freezer items.  People were giving us weird looks as they watched us cart around coolers putting our cold items in there as if it were our cart.  Our team spent a long time picking out cheese and meat items.  The veggie burgers were easy as there were not a lot of choices.  I couldn’t find any fake meat things for me to add to the cooler….but then, just when we has all given up, Stefan used his power of height to spot the soy meat items on the shelf!  I was able to get fake ground beef, fake pepperoni bits, and fake sausage.  All of it looks really weird and I have never hear of the brand, but, hey, it’s fake meat.  I am sure it is going to taste amazing 5 months from now when all we are eating is canned goods.  We also were able to snag quite a few bags of fries and sorbet!  After packing all the items into coolers and in the car, we headed to the harbor to drop it off.


We got to see our temporary water transportation home, the Kahana.  


We will be departing this Saturday at dawn.  It will take us 3-4 days to reach Johnston Island.  The boat stays there for 5 days and we will still be living on it for that time until the old crew moves on the boat and we move into the tents on the island.  


If the boat looks familiar, it was on the show Lost.  SPOILER ALTER FOR LOST: It was the boat that was blown up by C-4.  That’s right, I get to ride on an actor boat!  Rooms fit 4 people in them, 2 bunk beads.  


There is a cook onboard that cooks for us and there will be snacks to munch on throughout our days.  We can hang out in our rooms, the dining room, the deck, or wheelhouse (command room) but we can’t sit in the captain’s chair…..fine, whatever.  


So the only thing officially done is the freezer stuff, everything we have packed so far still has to be delivered to the Kahana to be put on board.  I feel like we have done so much.  How can there be so much more to do?