It’sa Ouch

So, the other day, I was biking around the island taking video to show to my family when I get home so they can get a good idea of what the island looks like. Sounds like a reasonable thing to do. Apparently not. Just so you all know, Boobies are the dumbest creatures on Earth. D-U-M-B. When they get scared, they don’t fly away, they fly towards. So, there I was, biking, minding my own business, when a Red Footed Booby, who was just fine and safe in his bush, decided to fly right out in front of my bike. I slammed on the brakes and had to swerve to avoid the dumb bird. I went down, kind of hard. For your enjoyment, I have included some screen shots from my video to illustrate the dumb.

Here is the bird, perfectly located not to be disturbed by me and my path.

Ouch 1.

Here is the bird flying in front of my bike. Check out the horizon…I am still falling.

Ouch 2.

Now I am down.

Ouch 3.

Here is a shot from my perspective on the ground of what just happened. Totally blew out my flip flop. I was able to fix it…but still.

Ouch 4

Here is some blood for you. Please do not be distracted by the blood like I was. My middle toe is broken.

Ouch 5.

Ouch 6.

The Doctor I have been emailing says I have to be on crutches. Which was nice in the beginning because I could not walk on my foot. I am supposed to get an x-ray in Hawaii. Thanks a lot you dumbest bird of all the dumb birds.

Ouch 7