Invaders from a Distant Land

It was December 12, 2014 when the Kahana was to arrive and deliver a whole new crew, supporting people during transition, supplies for the new crew, plus all the boat crew.  I was getting nervous.  I have been staring at the same four people for the last seven months and the thought of having new people on my island was really freaking me out.  We all got up early and headed for the dock to wait for the boat.  Then we heard it…Stefan’s voice on the radio.  This is really happening.  I had a rush of emotions, from excitement all the way to fear.  We wanted to get a better look so we gatored over to get the best vantage point for the incoming boat.  We waited for what seemed like forever…


While we waited, we did some yoga.


Then Colin said he thought he saw the boat.  We all squinted and tried to see.  Sure enough…it was a freaking boat.  Haven’t seen one of those in seven months!


And it just kept on coming.  Getting closer and closer.  Pretty soon there was no denying the fact that this was real and it was happening.  We could see tiny little people waving from the boat.  I waved back, but then stopped as I realized I kind of didn’t want them to feel invited.  I didn’t want to leave.  Why were they replacing me?  What…they don’t think I wouldn’t go mad living on the island forever.  I get why they do the rotation…but I still didn’t want to leave.  I also knew nothing about this new crew.  What if they messed up the island.  This was my home.


The boat, and the people on it, kept getting bigger.


Until, finally, it was officially here.  Docked!


And then…the population on Johnston quadrupled in seconds.  Holy s**t!


I remember being excited to see new people, but as soon as they got off the boat, I was immediately overwhelmed.  Way too many people.  I literally had to turn away from them to calm myself down.  I really hoped the week of training the new crew on Johnston was not going to feel like this the whole time.  *breathe*

6 responses to “Invaders from a Distant Land

  1. I am glad that you love and respect our island. I was voted the king of the island and to this day hold that title. Many of us will return someday. It was so wonderful to see photos of JI. Did you get to go to the other islands. I know every inch of the reefs. Johnston Atoll never leaves you. We are a people who have experienced a unique part of a remote paradise. Thank you again for taking care of it. I met my wife on the island. We have three Children two are attending a University so it was a long time ago.

  2. Thank you for your great blog. Our daughter is currently there and your posts and pictures have given us a great peek into life at Johnston.

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