It’s a Boy

Okay, I don’t really know that. But we are saying it is a boy. Mark your calendars. Young Neil was born on the morning of October 12, 2014. Isn’t he disgusting looking? I took this picture at around nine that morning. It was the first sighting of him. As you can see, he is still a little wet. He is fresh out of his egg. You can see one side of his split shell in front of him – that purple thing, and the other half behind him.

It's a Boy

This will get smashed as the parents walk around. Ramona was not with her chick when this photo was taken. Perhaps she was out getting a meal. I rode my bike by later and Ramona was sitting on Young Neil. Most likely trying to hide his hairdo so on one would make fun of him. She has her wing out. He is under her wing. I really hope Young Neil has a successful adolescence and wards off all evils that attempt to hinder him. I would love to see him make his first flight before I leave the island.

It's a Boy 2

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