
Books?  Yeah, we got books.  We have a shelf dedicated to cookbooks. We have things from Vegan, Fire and Spice to a Bisquik© cookbook to The Bread Maker’s Apprentice to A Man, a Can, a Plan.  We have books on bugs, ants in particular.  Above that we have a ton of books on history.  Books on presidents and The Making of the Atomic Bomb.  We have large Shakespeare section, John Grisham has half a shelf, popular books, books I have never heard of, Wicked is here, some of the Twilight series, 3 copies of The Tenth Circle by Jodi Picoult and a few Stephan King books.  We have two shelves of movies like To Kill a Mockingbird, X-Men, The Shining, season one of Wanted: Dead or Alive and Beetle Juice are among the collection.

Library 1

For smart books we have lots on birds and fish.  There are bird guide books.  Birds from Hawaii, birds from North America, Shorebirds, and Seabirds.  We have a few books from John P. Hoover (the man, not a gender thing, like a coolness thing.  Like John P. Hoover is the man).  There are books of Hawaiian fish, marine mammals, shore fish, sharks, ray, and invertebrates.  We also have a couple of books on the stars and plants, something we are not short of here!

Library 2

I was afraid I didn’t bring enough books, but the on island has me covered.  Also, there is hard drive with Kindle books on them.  Steve just downloaded all the books onto his Kindle.  He moved over a couple of thousand books!  He better start reading.

5 responses to “Library

  1. This is Steve’s Mom…iI am also a faithful reader of your blog! Thank you so much for taking the time to write and post pics! Oh my…he downloaded over a 1000 books…yep…that’s my boy! I hope you are all doing well and having a great experience.

  2. Ahhh, the library. . . . I do like me a book mmhm. That is quite a diverse yet focused collection of the written word. That is kool that you gots all them books there. Too bad that you are too busy with the nunchuck to read any of deem. Wanted dead of alive is a Steve McQueen sheh. Steve McQueen was a student of the All Mighty Bruce Lee. It would have been Kool if they would have got to do a movie together. I have nvr seen it, it might be a well selection for a quiet evening. 🙂 gon read any of deem?

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