
Hey people! I would like to see more comments. Tell me your thoughts as you read. If you don’t understand something I have written, ask. If you would like to see blogs about particular things, let me know. Family members, that includes all families of those who are on the island, you are obligated to comment, so let’s see ‘em. The people reading in Honolulu, I know you are, I know you have thoughts about this stuff, so write them down. If there are people out there that don’t know me, I would love to hear what you think about my adventure. I know there are those reading from different countries. I would especially love it if you would comment. Thank you to those who read and comment already. Thank you to those who read and don’t comment as well. Just remember, you gain cool points if you comment!


13 responses to “Comments

  1. Looks like I’m the coolest person you know – and that is very sad. I love reading your stories and seeing the amazing pics – keep ’em comin’!

  2. I’ve been reading and checking in almost every day. There have been a lot of times where I wish there was a “like” button. You seem so happy there. Keep up the good work.

  3. Hi, I’m Kyle’s mom. I visit your blog every few days and really enjoy reading about your adventures. Tell Kyle happy birthday!

  4. Thanks Caitlin for the invitation to comment. I am Colin’s mom and have been reading your postings since Hawaii. I am so thankful for the regular updates and to be honest love to see any Colin pictures. I am in awe of all of you and your sense of adventure. I am enjoying living vicariously through your blogs as are other friends and family members. Happy Belated Birthday and Happy Upcoming Birthday to Colin. ❤

  5. Such an awesome adventure so far! I have gotten a bit behind because I am lame and it’s so much easier if I have a once in a while reminder….today I can thank your sister for that reminder. Your photos are so beautiful!

  6. I’m so happy that I stumbled upon your blog! My daughter, Alison, will be part of the 9th crew, so you’ll be meeting in about 2 months. We had read so much about the island and it’s history, and it was refreshing to come across your blog, which shows the day to day living experience out there..such a pleasant surprise! Alison questioned whether she should bring her slack-line, and after seeing the pics, I think she’s made her decision! Enjoy the rest of your stay! Thank you, and peace 🙂

    • Hey Nancy! We are getting people deprived over here so we are defiantly excited to meet Alison! Alison was emailed all of our email address. If she or you have any questions, please shoot me an email. Even if you think it is a dumb question, go ahead and ask it. I know I had a million questions when I was first hired.

  7. I worked on the island in 1983 and 1984. It’s a shame all the amenities are torn down. There was even a 9hole golf corse made with dirt imported from Hawaii.
    I stumbled across your blogs and read every one. A lot of great memories I had on that island. The weather was perfect with a breeze going all the time. I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed your writings.

  8. Just came across your blog…what a GREAT thing!!! wow!! i loved it. I wish i was able to do something like that, but luckily i got to experience it vicariously through you. I love the way you have embraced this opportunity and embrace life. Good for you! what an awesome thing to look back on someday. Thanks for doing this.

  9. Glad you got to experience life on the ROCK! I was there from 1990 to 2000. Looking at your pictures brings back some great memories as well as some sadness that it ended.

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