Slack Lining

 Slack Line

Thank you Colin for bringing a Slack Line to the island and getting me addicted. If you don’t know what a Slack Line is, Google it.  It is basically a flat two inch wide line that you string from one pole to another pole about two feet off the ground (at least that is how high we had it, although, Colin said that people do it nine feet off the ground!)  Anyway, so the goal is to be able to stand on this line.  As soon as I put my foot on it, just resting it on there, the whole thing started to wiggle. How am I supposed to get on this thing when it’s moving all over the place?  It took a lot of attempts but I finally stood on one leg…for about half a second.  But the more times I tried, the longer I could stay up.  Then I tried to take a step.  Ummm….yeah, I guess I have to work on my left leg stabilizer muscles.  As soon as I took a step the line started wiggling again.  It is super frustrating.  I watch Colin do it and he makes like look like a piece of cake.  He can walk on it, jump and land back down on it, he can squat down on it.  It is amazing and he is making me look bad.

3 responses to “Slack Lining

  1. Slack lining! So neat! I’ve seen people do this at parks and I am in see of thier ability to stay on the line! Very awesome!

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