Rental Car

Rental Car

Today was mostly filled with packing food.  At this point it’s old news.  We got most of it done.  We still need to do freezer items.  Then it was off to Home Depot to pick out some seed packets for the garden on the island.  We got things like zucchini, beans, and basil.  I can’t wait for things to grow and be able to eat fresh food instead of canned processed food.  The clothes store was next.  I got all but one thing on my list.  I still need a pair of long working pants, like cargo pants.  Everyone else is done shopping, so we have to make a trip just for me next week to try on some pants.  Boooo.  Then something new happened…I pick up my first rental car!  As I am the only one in the group with a credit card that is over 25, I get to drive the Honda Civic this weekend for our adventures.


No spoilers for you on what we have planned, but you defiantly want to check back and read about the awesomeness.  Most of our evening was spent prepping for tomorrow (or really tonight).  We are starting the weekend at 2am!  Before going to bed early, Colin, Kyle, and I did some garage yoga!


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