Food Shopping : Day 1

Today was our first shopping day.  We loaded everyone and tons of Rubbermaid bins into the van and ambushed the grocery store.  They reserved a checkout lane for us.  As soon as we filled a cart, we brought it to the lane for them to ring up, then it was off to get a new cart to fill.  We completely destroyed their dried fruit section and put a pretty good dent in the shelf stable tofu.  


Most of the things we got were things to make us happy.  Lots of cookies and crackers and junk food.  Stefan noticed that the fruit snacks were on sale so he put all of them in our cart.  We also got lots of cake and brownie mixes.  The Amy’s soup section is no more.  Ooooh, and I got a bag of chia seeds!!  It was not too easy to find products without dairy in them.  We made sure to hit the produce section for items to dehydrate for the island,which is something I am very happy about.  Onions and strawberries is what we focused on. I guess there are already lots of apples and bananas on the island.  Stefan said to get 15 pounds of onions, so I did.  He saw my onion pile and said, “More onions.”  I told him that it was 15 pounds.  He said, “More onions!”  I didn’t argue.  We ended up with 30 pounds and he said that was a good starting amount!  


As they rang up our items, Stefan was keeping an eye on the cost.  He can’t spend more than $2,500 in one trip (it’s a government thing, I guess).  I think we shopped about two thirds of the store (not including frozen things) when our bill reached $2,4something.  We will have to go back again to finish our list of goodies.  We unloaded all the bins of groceries and pulled out the dehydrater.  Right now it is filled with strawberries!


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