I made it to Hawaii!  It was such a long flight, but I was able to get to know my crew while flying.  They all seem pretty cool.  Defiantly a learning curve for living in this bunk  house.  I have never done the roommate thing with strangers before.  So far I think it is going good.  I am sharing a room with my team leader and she is really nice.  I just have the one photo for now.



  I was so tired yesterday after 12 hours of flying and going through bunkhouse orientation, then going out to eat at the Fat Greek with my crew mates and people from the bunkhouse.  And today we have to leave bright and early for an all staff meeting.  Good thing I have been up since 4am (10am Michigan time).  I was trying to sleep, but I think it actually hit me, the realization of what I have gotten myself into.  Too late to turn back now and I wouldn’t even if given the chance!

2 responses to “HAWAII

  1. Hello! I might be doing an internship that would require me to live in the bunkhouse in Honolulu for a few months. This is nicer than I expected! Do you have any other pictures or could explain what the rooms, bathrooms, showers are like? Is the kitchen stocked with pans, utensils, etc.? Any tips would be appreciated!

    • There are two bathrooms. They both have a storage cabinet for your stuff (there could be left over bathroom things that people didn’t take with them when they left), a stand up shower, toilet, and a sink. Very nice and clean (cleaning is part of the chores). There are two rooms with bunk beds. There is one room with just one bed. Coin toss as to who gets it. The shared rooms have a closet with two clothes racks. One on top and one on the bottom. The are also storage shelves in the rooms. The common area has couches and a coffee table. There is a TV with a DVD player. The office room has two computers and a printer. There is a kitchen table. The kitchen is fully stocked with non-food essentials. Pans, utensils, plates, pots, everything. There are a few shared items that people choose to share like ketchup, salt, condiments. The store is right around the corner…5 minute walk max. It is very nice and there is lots to choose from. The yard has a palm tree in it. The clothesline is nice for coming home from the beach or a hike. The walk to the beach is less than a mile.

      I am in a remote location right now and am not sure about sending photos. I will give it a shot. Can I send to your cofc email?

      Good luck!

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